It was a different type of day yesterday. My mom asked me if I wanted to go to Kanheeta with her and a friend of hers from work. I love Kanheeta, so I said I would go. Her co-worker ended up not being able to go, so it was just me and mom. We NEVER do things like that alone. We usually have other family members along if we are doing something just for fun. If we spend time together alone, it is always to complete some kind of task. Not that we don't like spending time together because we do.
This time we just went to relax. I asked her what time she wanted to leave, and she said when we were ready to leave. We woke up when we wanted to, and we left when we were ready. We had no agenda other than we would end up in Kanheeta at some time. We stopped when we wanted to, and we talked when we wanted to. We were quiet when we wanted to be, and we really enjoyed the day. I listened to mom's problems and stories. Most of which I have heard before, but I decided not to tell her that I had. She told me about her plans to retire, and what she wanted to do. She wants to travel around the United States. She wants to go places she has never been like Texas and Niagra Falls. She told me that she wants to get a car just for herself, but she has no idea what kind she wants. She told me she was proud of me, and it felt so good to hear that.
We ate when we were hungry, and we left Kanheeta when we felt we had had enough. It was such a wonderful relaxing day. We didn't take any pictures or buy any mementos, but it is a day I will remember for a long time.