My sister tagged me for a fun game. Here are the rules: (post these first)
(1) Each player answers questions about themselves.
(2) At the end of the post, tag 1 person by posting their name.
(3) Go to their site/blog and leave a comment telling them that they have been Tagged. Invite them to your site/blog so they can read the Tagged post.
(4) Let the person who tagged you know when you have completed your Tagged post.
1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was teaching children and adults English in Japan and traveling all over having a blast.
2. What are 5 things on your "To Do" list?
1. Make a budget
2. Go on a diet
3. Do my laundry
4. Plant some tomatoes
5. Wash my car
3. What are 5 snacks you enjoy?
1. Cheese its
2. Yogurt
3. chocolate
4. frozen fruit smoothies
5. Pretzels and Goop (Goop is a family recipe for the yummiest dip EVER!)
4. Name some things you would do if you were a millionaire.
If I had a million dollars I would:
· Invest in a business
· Buy a big house with a little house out back for my sister to visit because if I only had one million dollars I wouldn't quit my job here in Portland.
· Help some kids
· Have a maid
· Travel
· I would probably end up being talked into helping my sister adopt another child (who I would have to spoil!)
5.Name some places where you have lived.
Idaho, Guam, California, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Washington, Japan,
6. Name some bad habits you have.
Well, hmmm, I eat more than I should, spend too much time sitting on my butt and I spend too much time on the computer.
7. Name some jobs you have had.
PBX Operator, Home Health Aid, Teacher, Substitute Teacher, Tutor, Trainer, CNA, Dishwasher in a cafeteria, and many many more.
8. Name the person you are tagging.